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  • 35 лет женщина, Зодиак: Лев
  • Тверь, Россия
  • Английский(Хорошо), Русский(Свободно)
  • Business Owner
  • без детей
  • Был(а) в онлайне: 22 марта 2022 г.

  • E-Mail или ID: 1000867896
Private details and contact information
Личная информация
Пол женщина
Дети без детей
Хочу завести еще детей Да
Рост 5'4" - 5'5" (161-165см)
Тип тела Стройное
Этническая принадлежность Европеоид
Религия Христианин
Матримониальное положение не замужем/холост
Образование Высшее
Доход $30,000-$50,000/в год
Пьющий Нет
Информация о человеке, которого вы ищете
Я ищу мужчина
Ищу в возрасте 30-60
Ищу, требования к росту
Ищу, требование к типу телосложения
Знакомство Брак, Отношения, Романтические отношения
As for my character, I can definitely say that I am a well-tempered, calm and rather modest woman. I have a good sense of humor. To tell the truth, I like telling jokes and making my friends smile. I am quite talkative and sociable. I have lots of friends and acquaintances. I like everything positive and when I have some problems I always try to find positive moments in them. I like to help people around by making them happy. And I hate when people are rude and aggressive. I like kind, honest, polite, reliable and responsible people.
Описание идеального партнера:
A man I am looking for must be interesting, charming and have a good sense of humor. He also can be individual and extraordinary, independent in his actions, thoughts and feelings. The way he looks like is not the most important thing about him, the appearance of my man may be different. The main thing is his soul, his character, his style of life and behavior with me. An ideal husband, to my mind, is a strong physically and spiritually, healthy, ambitious man. He must take care of the children and take part in their development and education. Of course he must be able to earn money and think only about his wife and do not pay attention on other women!

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